Regulatory and Start Up Manager - Poland
Varsovie, Pologne| Roumanie
Description du poste
SupportscountrySSUstrategyinclosecollaborationwithSSOStudyStart-UpTeamLead,SSO CountryHeadPortfolio/SSOClusterHeadPortfolio
CollaborateswithSSOCountry/ClusterHeadPortfolio,SSOPortfolioTeamLeadsandglobal studyteamtoensureSSUtimelinesanddeliverablesaremetaccordingtocountrycommitments.
Accountable for timely start-up activities from country allocation until Green Light (readyto initiatesitemillstone)inassignedprojects.
- Ensures that study start-up activities are conducted and completed on time, including preparation of IRB/IEC submission packages, review of Informed Consent Forms, engaging Regulatory Affairs/CTA Hub for Health Authorities submissions, as required.
- Prepares and finalizes local submission package for submission to IRB/IEC, CTA Hub (Europe: acc. to new EU-CTR) as well as Health Authorities as applicable (including subsequent amendments, IBs, DSURs, CSRs)
- Coordinates timely response to deficiency letters in close collaboration with local and global stakeholders.
- Coordinates reportable events and notifications to IRB/IEC and Health Authorities as applicable.
- Accountable for timelines, accuracy, and quality of country TMF documents in study start-up to ensure TMF inspection readiness.
- Ensures adherence to financial standards, prevailing legislation, ICH/GCP, IRB/IEC, Health Authority and SOP requirements.
- Implements innovative and efficient processes.
- Supports study feasibility in close collaboration with Feasibility Manager and Site Partnership Manager as well as the global study team.
- Leads site selection in collaboration with Portfolio Team Lead and Clinical Project Manager if already assigned.
- In satellite countries oversees local vendor selection and performance as needed.
- Serves as main contact for quality/compliance issues in SSU phase, escalating as necessary.
- Ensures sites are prepared for "Green Light" and ensure all documentations is in place for initial and subsequent drug release.
- Responsible for review and sign off of site "Green Light".
- Oversees local SSU team activities in assigned studies to achieve start-up timelines and quality execution, (proposing and implementing corrective actions where appropriate) according to local and international regulations.
- Leads/chairs local SSU team meetings in assigned studies, participates in global study team meetings, as required.
- Leads the development of country site initiation and patient enrolment plans together with SSU CRA, CPM and SSU Lead.
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